Tuesday, May 14, 2013

FT- WonderWorks

Wonderworks Orlando
K was scared to go inside as he was for sure everything inside was destroyed as the building is upside down.  Once we went in he was fine until the DARK spinning tube you walk through.  He ran back to the end.  I ended up having to have him close his eyes and push him through that.  Other than those 2 things he had a blast once he was past all of that.
He even tried the ropes which is about 12 feet above the ground.  He had the sweetest assistant who worked with him so that he could try it out.  This was my proudest moment seeing him overcome something he was nervous about.  Esp, when I saw older kids turn around without even trying.  So proud he didn't let his fear take a hold of him.

The light board was really neat!  My  little ham held his breath while posing in the space suit ;o) he's a funny guy.  Both mama and son had a blast on the large piano.  Bubbles where fun but we only got our heads in a bubble before the bubble would pop.

Both K and I learned a little bit about the icy waters from the titanic crash site.  K left his hand in for 36 sec's and than he was off to the next station.  I on the other hand was still going after 5 min's but had to move on with K.  LOL!  It was cold but I didn't think about it being cold which helped.  We hit the water flowing up, still and down, earthquake station, hurricane force wind (K didn't).  We had a blast at Wonderworks

We spent 4 hours there before heading out for lunch and some shopping in Orlando.  We had a great time but next time I am asking if we can go in another way, that spinning tube was a little much for my guy.  With the fear of the unknown this isn't a good start to the wonderful adventure Wonderworks brings.

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