Our school planner
After years of just writing our field trips on the family calendar, I caved. Field trips, family info just started to mix together and become lost on the calendar. Most of you know that our family is about to get larger through adoption this next year it couldn't get any better to get this new system started, and work out the kinks. Well lets dig in and see how I have our planner put together for the year.
First step was finding the right planner for me (The teacher). I think I spent a good hour looking at all the planners at target before going with this cutie
The front cover I have a list of our homeschool friends and their number so that we can get together and play.
I just have a post it note as this list is always changing. This is where I write down field trips that are in the works but not yet scheduled. This keeps them fresh in my head as they get lost on our homeschool board
as you can see I didn't get a huge planner with big squares as this isn't where I am planning our school days, it's only for planned field trips and my blog schedule. You can see I only have 2 colors written in as of now. I went out and got a 5 pack of pens of different colors and let K pick his color. He picked green so he's my green child. His binders are green his folders are green etc. my notes are purple. So this year I figured this planner would work for us as right now I have 1 kiddo and even when we have placement or another child/ren I am only writing down field trips and most will be with K so just will need to add their color dots to trip details. I hope that makes sense.
This is where I write our center details for school. Starting in the fall I start our centers three times a week. There will be a centers post coming soon which will explain how I am doing centers for math,phonics/language,art
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